COVID-19 has brought a lot of losses, heartaches, battles that seem too big to overcome and it brought the world into a global lockdown. As a member of a worldwide church called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, it meant not meeting together every week and the closing of our temples. As a citizen of Melbourne, Victoria it meant that we were placed into lockdown, supplies were scarce and there was a lot of uncertainty and fear.

The pandemic and lockdown have allowed me the opportunity to really reflect on myself and to look at the bigger picture. It has allowed my family to grow closer and to bond with each other. I know that when tough times are to come in the future, my family will be strong because of the bond we’ve made during the lockdown.

In April 2020, our prophet, President Russell M. Nelson asked us all to fast. Fast for the world and those affected by COVID-19. Now, some may say: Well where is God, did He not hear your prayers? Did He disregard your fast? The Lord answers our prayers in His own way and in His on time. It normally takes years for a vaccine to be made and found for pandemics like these but we were blessed with a vaccine!!! He didn’t take the disease away but He did give us the means to overcome and endure.

One thing this pandemic has given me is more faith that there’s a greater power working here and I need to play my part. I am grateful that despite this pandemic, I feel closer to God and I can continue to serve Him and His children in my own little ways. I also realize that this pandemic is God’s way to help us draw nearer to Him and that we must always turn to Him no matter what is happening in our lives.