I am a man of science, but also a Christian, and that is why it is impossible for me not to say that angels saved my life. Those angels were other doctors who saved me from pneumonia caused by the coronavirus.

My name is Farzin, 42 years old, father of two children and husband. I am a pediatrician. I still have a hard time speaking fluently. There is much to tell about my experience, “the most difficult of my life;” like that storm of thoughts that I had, like the worry of having infected my family, like understanding that the course of my illness was getting worse and that it was inevitable to enter intensive care. And especially those dreams of death from which it was difficult to escape in that limbo that was my induced coma.

Despite the protective measures that I always had, the coronavirus was installed in the clinic in early April, with no certainty as to how it happened. In the first wave, more than 60 workers tested positive, almost all asymptomatic who were isolated. Of which I got infected.

I had oxygen through a nasal cannula and kept coughing. I said three sentences maximum and had to stop because of the feeling of drowning. What is it like not being able to breathe? How to describe that feeling? It is an unbearable drowning. My lungs sounded like a velcro that closes and opens.

There was no consciousness at that time, if anything, it was because the drugs are so strong that reality becomes diffuse, the devices and the disease are forgotten. I only had death nightmares that lasted hours and even days. In them, they tried to murder me and I ran. And in the few moments when the effect of the drugs decreased, I thought about my children. And my wife. And my parents.

As a doctor, I know that it was unlikely that I would survive, but as a Christian, I verified the faith of God. And so it was, after 2 months in intensive care, I was able to survive, and now I am writing from my house, telling you a bit about how it was to live this situation, a situation that I hope not to repeat and that every day fewer people are infected. I say thank God, the other doctors, and life for allowing me to be alive.