My name is Santiago. By profession, I am a heavy machinery driver. I am 55 years old and I live in the city of Querétaro, in Mexico.
About my experiences COVID-19, this situation has been quite complex due to the issue of disinfection, self-care, and other stipulated rules. My work was initially affected as several pending jobs were canceled due to the issue of the pandemic and, fortunately, due to the commitment made by the whole society, the cases have decreased.
The uncertainty is accentuated because the outbreaks continue throughout Mexico, and with the continuity of domestic flights, there is a doubt if the cases will decrease despite all the measures that are being taken. In the same way, the whole issue of the pandemic is worrying because once again the deaths that are reported each day are no longer age distinctions, and the report of young people is increasing; it is no longer reported as being exclusive of the third age as was initially believed.
The confinement affected all of us in our family. My son who is still young because he is only 6 years old, has not been able to understand the situation. Fortunately, we can go out to the park to have fun and I must be aware that he does not remove his mask and the use of disinfectant. He misses his school friends and his teachers.
The co-existence with my wife deteriorated at this time and I think that soon we will be separated. We are distanced and although we still live together, we cannot stand each other. This time has actually helped us to know each other deeply and become aware that this union has been a failure.
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