Here’s a little write-up of me and the COVID-19 days…Steve K. Is my name, I’m 51 years old, Canadian, currently I live in Mexico.

COVID-19 times have been interesting…I feel very “self-aware”…I don’t feel self-destructive but I do feel vulnerable especially to my eating and drinking habits. I have gained 10kg in 3 months of “isolation” as pizza, wine and beer have kept me company and the gym is a distant memory. I feel if I am not careful I could fall off the edge. I have grown a beard for the first time in my life and it’s a new fun hobby. My teeth are in the best shape in 20 years as I have not been smoking but have been flossing and brushing and rinsing with mouthwash regularly and not because of the dentist so this is on me. loves me; Amazon Prime gets a lot of my time and so is Netflix. My favorite time of the week is when I do the groceries at a big supermarket or the local store because it’s the only time when I can see the reality-based life that they are forcing us to live nowadays and it’s a time where I can see and be close to people.

For me, I don’t see this as a new world or new normal, just a new chapter in my life and for the world…the rest of the world?  I don’t know. The big question???  Is it better to be single or not during this “new chapter” – impossible to answer…pros and cons for both – I am lonely but loving my solitude.