I am Regine, I live in Manila, Philippines. Before COVID-19 hit the Philippines, I was living the same usual routine working at home or working at the office, interacting with colleagues, and starting it all over again for most of the days in the week.
At the time the Philippine government announced the Enhanced Community Quarantine, I was laying in bed about to sleep but reading that headline kept me awake all night long browsing through articles, researching facts, and finding more information about this virus. I never thought that this would become a way of life – adopting to this disease, going through a lot of uncertainties, no assurance of what will happen next to this country and the whole world.
Questions came into mind, how are we going to adapt to this “new normal”? What’s the best way to survive this crisis? How long can our government be able to stop this from spreading? What changes should we follow? Slowly these questions became vague, the government became more unsure themselves and people turned their survival mode on. I am never sure to say that I have adapted through the whole COVID-19 situation but I can say that I am still going through it.
It’s a demanding change to the life I got used to. A change that can never give me all the answers but it can get me to start somewhere and that’s by simply moving forward. Assess your situation, think smart, be quick, be cautious and never stop hoping for the best. This is the only thing we can do for now while we wait through this time of change.
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