I am Amjad F., I live in the countryside of Dera Ghazi Khan. I was working in an international organization Tsisei corporation, which is undertaking the construction work of a national highway near our city.
The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, not only affects lifestyle but also worsening the situation of food and security in our community. In the early days, like all other people I was scared as we watch NEWS on national and international media regarding causalities in China, Europe, and America. On March 22, our Pakistani government decided to impose a lockdown in the whole province of Punjab. I and one of my colleagues were in home town and we had to reach our work site. Public transport was not allowed and we reached the main gate of the site camp in our own car. Security officials stopped us and not leaving us to enter our camp. Company officials told us it was not possible to let us enter in camp. We were surprised at the SOPs of our security departments which were being implemented without proper well thought. On the way, laborers were walking on the highway side while luggage on their heads and shoulders as no transport was available due to lockdown. The situation was very embarrassing that how poor people were left helpless in this cruel situation.
Due to this pandemic, an opportunity has been created to spend time with their beloved ones. During these days we came to know about our marginalized section of society. The poor condition of our food, shelter, clothing, and health. This virus has created a chance to test our strength against fighting this pandemic. It looks like God’s machine “earth” is under maintenance. Global warming which had become a big problem for humans on earth due to damage to the ozone layer. Now reported ozone layer is healing due to less burning of fuel in the manufacturing and transport industry in the whole world.
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