This situation is suffocating, every day that passes I feel the disease closer; COVID-19 is silent and I think it waits for moments of uncertainty to attack. My name is Sara M., I live in the City of Denver, I no longer know what to do, not what to think.

I am dedicated to carrying out cleaning tasks in offices; for approximately two months the trades have been accentuated, due to the protocols that have been established, due to COVID-19 outbreaks that are taking place. I have some relatives in other cities in the United States and the situation is also worrying there, as in all parts of the world, mistrust is latent, with each person who passes by, with each person who enters the offices, I am very uneasy although my family is well.

My youngest daughter’s birthday is coming up (next August 1) she turns 15. We had planned a trip to Europe for her, she was very excited, we had saved for a long time to fulfill my daughter Norida’s dream, and due to this pandemic everything is postponed and we don’t know for how long.

The situation in the United States is one of the most worrisome in the world, the number of infections does not stop, but what terrifies me most is the unconsciousness of the people. I would go as far as to say that a large part of the population does not give it the importance that this situation requires. I hope that we all become aware of this and begin to change our mentality.