COVID-19 has tremendously refined our way of life, for this year at least, and it will continue to do so for our generation and the generations to come. It affects the way we eat, the way we sleep, and the way we interact with each other (not a biggie in Sweden, is it?) and how we react when someone nearby sneezes or coughs.

In Sweden life goes on [not] as usual, with regular bus/train connection within [and without] the city. After the long, dark cold [and depressing] winter days comes springtime with parents and their kids, friends, couples, and individuals running for the beautiful parks and forests, as before. The government advises on measures but the ultimate responsibility is in the hands of the… individual. Do you have related symptoms? Then you are advised to keep indoors and take precautions, otherwise, just take precautions.

So what has changed? For people working in IT, we have the opportunity to work from home and have meetings on Skype – as usual. Some companies have reduced the working hours to as low as 50% (or 0% depending on industry and role). Virtual fikas (read coffee) and breakfasts with everyone in the [un]comfort of their homes. Oh, did I say 10 hours commute time per week (2hrs/day) is shaved off? I need to invest these hours somewhere else.

Individually, walking and cycling are indeed queen with long walks up to 20km and cycling up to 100km – no curfew zone, right? And that in addition to reading books and making use of the camera that was recently dubbed – the dust collector. And whenever I am tired of talking to myself, I channel the energy to my test blog.**

Do I still run groups? Not really, but I run in singularity though my running group remains unshaken. But I will participate in a 10km virtual event next weekend, the forest is calling. Running separately and yet together with comrades from whatever location everyone decides to do it from.

I conclude by saying it took us decades to learn how to wash our hands diligently. Don’t shoot, this is the humor I have learned during these corona days. Taking more self-time to refine and reinvent myself. Where there is an opportunity, use it.

Be safe, stay safe! Aluta continua.


Editor’s notes: See National Review article – “Sweden Bucked Conventional Wisdom, And Other Countries Are Following.”    

** Joseph a runs blog on learning Swedish. You can visit it here –