I am in Germany, I am an engineer by profession although I do not work. My name is Jason, 62 years old; With the COVID-19 I have learned to love my existence more and to give importance to the little things and to take advantage of my life every second and enjoy my two grandchildren, I already avoid living on memories and in each breath, I evoke the wonders of creation. My wife died three years ago, I lived heartbroken and full of memories, I used to cry alone but I already avoid all that because with this pandemic, being alive and healthy is already a feat.

Lately, so that Europeans can enter Germany, it is required to present the COVID-19 test no longer than 36 hours, since the fear of contagion is greater every day due to outbreaks presented in other countries. Already hearing about a promising vaccine on the part of the Russian government, we hope that the results will be accurate and a massive vaccination will begin, to start the rebirth of hope throughout the world.

At my age it is difficult to admit all this change and the use of a new accessory called a mask; I feel asphyxiated but at the same time I analyze that it is necessary to avoid contagion; I have dedicated myself to reading comic stories to my grandchildren and telling them stories from my childhood and they have asked me about the various diseases presented during my childhood and adolescence, not finding any as lethal as this pandemic.