When this pandemic started it was defined as a deadly coronavirus (COVID-19) a disease that is said to be a new strain of coronaviruses, that was discovered in 2019.

On a sad note, it has had some negative impact on some aspects of my life.
COVID-19 has affected my interpersonal relationships and now it is highly risky and unsafe to visit friends and family. It is difficult to practice social distancing with loved ones. To think that at one time we could shake hands, laugh at a joke without fear and wearing a mask, and even hug someone to comfort them or greet them, but now all those things put us at risk of contracting the disease and also spreading it.

My work has not had a significant negative impact due to COVID-19. We managed to surpass our sales targets even in this time of a pandemic. In my opinion, businesses need to adapt to the new social environment and sell products that are essential as consumer behavior has been greatly affected. Companies have become more calculated in terms of investment. At the same time, some software has become even more critical at this time with an increasing demand for them.

Here in Lusaka, it’s business as usual, but unfortunately, bars have been greatly affected as they are not allowed to operate. Schools have not been spared though there has been a gradual relaxation of some restrictions. Overall it’s business as usual. Companies are the ones putting in measures to protect their employees but trade continues.

It is my desire that wearing masks does not become a permanent thing and life can go back to normal and all restrictions be removed and life goes on.