With COVID-19, the precariousness of internet networks becomes evident and their difficult access due to the low income of families and even more so with the null possibility of work. I am a preschool teacher in the Casanare Department. With this pandemic, school recess has been compulsory and therefore the use of the internet is essential to fulfilling our work as a teacher. Not all my students have the availability of a computer or an internet network, so this new challenge has not been easy.

With COVID-19 social distancing marks us and in turn shows us once again, the fragility of the human being and the importance of the displays of affection. My students with their naivete do not understand the reason for this whole situation. Fortunately, at the end of last year I acquired a pet, a cute kitten named Geranium, which today, and due to this pandemic, the company is essential, forging deep feelings towards nature and animals.

Similarly, in this pandemic, intolerance in homes has been notorious, domestic violence is on the rise in this department, and in turn, the consumption of liquor increases daily, leading to more fights. Coexistence breaks down day by day, I do not know how long this situation will resist, because all this is synonymous with confinement and fear. It leads us to a routine life in little space and few contacts with human beings that immerses us in reuniting with ourselves.

Unfortunately, due to our signs in life, I already had everything ready for my long-awaited vacation, for the reunion with my family, and everything has to be postponed since there is no inter-municipal transport or interdepartmental flights; therefore I can no longer sleep peacefully having distorted dreams, longing for my life before the arrival of the COVID-19.

My Faith is increasing every time and my thanks to the Creator are capital in establishing a paragon between my life and that of many more people who live this COVID-19 process with enough financial and emotional needs. I implore the Creator daily so that this lapse ends soon and we return to our work and meet with our students and our families. And I wish we had learned to improve our interpersonal relationships and understanding with our animals and nature and with each other.