Not everything can be good but hey, not everything can be bad too.

At some point, I was kind of relieved that schools are closed until further notice because it’s for everyone’s safety and I get to stay home and be free from clerical work. On the other hand, if you have no work, you don’t get paid. I’m glad that at least we have an option to teach online for the time being and we still get paid for us to continue to live and pay our rent.

I live alone, my family lives in a different city. I haven’t seen them for almost a year. Until I heard that my grandmother who has heart failure died in a nursing home. It was sad not to see them for a long time and won’t be able to see her anymore. Three days later, my sister who also lives alone, who’s a healthcare worker, tested positive for the virus. She was confined in the hospital for almost 3 weeks but trying to survive. A week after, she lost her energy fighting the virus and kinda lost her sanity too, she died, without any of the family members with her.

This virus, you can’t have time to see them without worrying about getting infected, you can’t have time to bid farewell to your loved ones who passed away. A couple more of my family members have been infected by this deadly virus. It’s so devastating. It’s so sad yet scary to know that it can be easily caught even if you’re not in the crowds.

I haven’t been out of the house for almost 2 months now but I’m still cautious as I buy essentials online and have them delivered to me. But you don’t know if the place where the stuff is coming from or even the person who delivers it to you has the virus. You really can never tell. If you get it, you get it. And you have to do your very best to fight it.

I don’t know (and I hope no more) if still any of my family members are gonna get the virus and leave us behind. Please, everyone, this is not the end yet. STAY HOME.