As a work-from-home mom, my everyday life was always busy. The only time I get a pause is during bedtime. But when this pandemic happened, my life didn’t come to a halting stop but I learned how to take it slow and reflect on the things that really matter.
My family and I were out of town when the president announced a lockdown. We were anxious and worried, especially having two kids in tow, it wasn’t going to be easy. But thankfully before the lockdown was implemented we made it home safely.
Now, nine weeks in lockdown and counting the situation has completely changed our normal. I realized that slowing down and taking things one day at a time isn’t a sign of weakness or being unproductive. It doesn’t hurt to stop and smell the roses. I learned to cherish every moment with my family and hold on to the more important things in life.
I’m also thankful that my freelance career can provide for our needs. Although, I feel for the people who got laid off because of the pandemic. Still hoping for the best for humanity. There’s always hope.
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