About my feelings with COVID-19; personally, this situation was already driving me crazy, everything had changed, I just wanted to rest and rest, I didn’t even want to read a book at home. I just wanted to sleep, eat, and watch television.

However, the time has come to go back to work, I had to go back to my job for one week. So I’m happy. Since my time at home was already eternal, fortunately, I returned to my work world. I am an agronomist by profession, my name is Noor G. and I live in the city of Montevideo,

Before I did not want to talk about my present or my past, but since it returns you to normality, but still under biosafety regulations, I want to tell you that for me this pandemic despite my various moods, has not been entirely disastrous, since I was about to get married when the pandemic started and we had to postpone all wedding plans. We decided to live together, in such a way that in just two months we were fed up, we couldn’t stand each other, we definitely understood that we were complete strangers and incompatible, that’s why I say that for me it has not been “the pandemic is all bad,” because if it had not been for it, the marriage would have been consummated, resulting in total chaos in our lives.

Once again with new illusions, the COVID-19 vaccine is already being heard, it is already a beginning for the end of this nightmare. I get tired of so much distrust every time I wander through the streets to get to my place of work, upon entering we have to disinfect ourselves and the effusive greetings are already exterminated, work meetings are also avoided to the maximum. We must get used to all this change until a vaccine exists, but for now, we must wait for the results.